Masturbation-Yep..still doing it.
My wonderful pineapples, this brings us to the here and now. OR as I like to call it, the her and pow, you see what I did there right? So as I write this last piece of the puzzle we are amidst injustice in the world and a pandemic. 2020 has brought us a storm we were not ready for but my god I think maybe we needed it, I will write another post another time on this. But Curly, what has that got to do with this post on touching yourself, you liberated sexual being? I hear you ask, and thank you for the compliment. It is relevant in that this post will read a little differently to the others. I am the author of these posts and I owe it to my readers to be an honest voice, and my voice is heavy at the moment. My heart and mind are in a place of being de constructed and re constructed, and so, the energy of this post will probably reflect that.
NOW, with that being said, lets talk about this wonderful tingly, uplifting sensation we call masturbation. Or maybe you dont call it that, maybe you call it touching yourself or fingering yourself or solo playtime. All of these have got me ramped up and excited, and I reckon that is a pretty good place to start. I hear your groaning over there, this is usually the part where we get the facts and figures out, start talking about the stock exchange and whether your orgasm was more up or down today. You can see I have zero knowledge on the stock exchange, and Stacey Cunnigham (head of the New York stock exchange) does not have my number. The thing is, the numbers and the research seem to be missing out some really key aspects which becomes frustrating after a while. Here is what a lot of research seems to be missing about masturbation: -
There is a lot of talk about male masturbation, because women should not be touching themselves unless it is to punish ourselves for our sins. (I see you kinksters at the back snickering)
A real insight into the pleasures that are released when we orgasm, or indeed just the pleasure of the play.
Encouragement to look at our vaginas and understand how it works. I still have friends who have never looked at their vagina in a mirror. We are all different, you cannot just smack a courgette at all of them and hope for the best.
The benefits of masturbation for mental health! Get those synapses sparking people!
And a really important one for me….why is it still not the norm to talk about masturbation. It is 2020 and Youtube have de monetised any channel that doesn’t bleep out the word sex.
Ok I will stop tapping you in the head with bullet points now, but you see my point here right? Now dont worry I am getting to the good stuff you have been waiting for, my masturbation in the her and pow, but before I do that I did just want to tell you the real highlights of masturbation AND looking at your vagina/pussy/ lady garden/penis/genitals/ that place down there. When you orgasm you release a hormone called dopamine, a neurotransmitter, hello back to the future, that activates the reward centre of the brain.
But when most people talk about dopamine, particularly when they talk about motivation, addiction, attention, or lust, they are talking about the dopamine pathway known as the mesolimbic pathway, which starts with cells in the ventral tegmental area, buried deep in the middle of the brain, which send their projections out to places like the nucleus accumbens and the cortex. Increases in dopamine release in the nucleus accumbens occur in response to sex, drugs, and rock and roll. And dopamine signaling in this area is changed during the course of drug addiction
This, among other things, may explain why I could just not stop rocking backwards and forwards on that chair when I was 8 years old. What was being released was addictive and I wanted it all of the time, and heroine is frowned upon in an 8 year old . Alright alright! you can stop kicking me now! I will tell you about my journey over the last few years.
I masturbate everyday, I either start my day with it or end it and it either gets me ready for the day or makes me happy for the closing and proud of what I have achieved, if anything, in that day. Over the last couple of years I have learnt that this is ok and to not feel the shame I felt right up until I was 27. I would cry afterwards, because masturbation meant solo and solo meant alone and we are programmed that being alone should be upsetting. Some how we feel that to pleasure yourself was the result of not having anyone to do it for you. My horny friends, I do it because I KNOW HOW TO DO IT and more importantly I LOVE MYSELF. Now I am almost 31 and, would you like to know what is truly exciting about masturbation? the stuff in my imagination that gets me there. Now I know you wonderfully liberated filth pineapples would love to know what is in there when I play….but a girl has to keep some things secret and also, I really do not need to scar my poor mother, as supportive as she is. . And to my close friends, you can stop with that amplified eye roll, I tell you everything. But, without letting you into allll of my spaces, my imagination lets me know what I like. It also tells me how I want to play and which part of myself I want to touch, and if I dont know these things or am willing to explore these things, how am I supposed to guide my partners? ( see the polyamory section)
Have you ever had the experience of a new fantasy that you masturbate to and you orgasm and get that dopamine rush? ok great. But how many of you have then recognised this fantasy and then explored that sexually? because this is why, for me, masturbation is so exciting, it leads to a sexual liberation that , say it with me now, just leads to more dopamine! this is a legal high! why are we not shouting more about this?! Hello, Frank? I would like to talk to you about this drug and I do not need help, I need liberation, do you also sell sex toys? Jokes aside, the reason we are not shouting about this more?…because schools are still refusing to educate kids about it. Well, because we are still being shamed for touching, even just looking, at our own body parts. Well, because it is still a taboo subject. And I say….this is not ok!
My beautiful pineapples please sit with me for a moment.May I ask we sit down here at the same level? I end this trilogy the way I began, I love masturbation and I do it all of the time. This is perhaps one of the most personal things I will ever write, my mum will read this and I am ok with that. You know why? I do not write this for me, I write this for all of the people who have never masturbated because society has taught them it is not normal. For all the women who have never looked at their vaginas in the mirror. For all the people who were 8 when they started to masturbate and had no idea why they were doing what they were doing, For all the parents who were watching their kids touch themselves in the middle of sainsburys and didn’t know what to say. THIS IS NORMAL! Maturbation is wonderful and I want you to know that you are not abnormal or wrong.
Your pleasure is important, in mind, in body and in the sexual relationship you have with….well….yourself.